Boat went in today! Prop aperture work finished over the weekend so we were able to put on the new prop and hook up the shaft today. Davits were finished today and we hoisted the Walker Bay and it fit perfectly! Launched the boat and tested the new prop and auto pilot and both seemed to function well, although some more sea trailing and adjustments to auto pilot settings will probably be necessary. The last big job is to get the rebuilt watermaker installed (already have cool control panel in the galley installed – no more leaning over engine to adjust….) Will start loading on gear (and books, and home schooling materials, and legos, and spear fishing equipment… etc) tomorrow! Shooting for a late week departure.
Hey Redwings crew! Mom/Diann/Grandma here in Nairobi, Kenya having just returned from a trip to the ancient island of Lamu on the Indian Ocean, only to hear about SANDY. I am very glad prop work kept you from starting the trip as planned. Hopefully your “hurricane harbor” on Vinalhaven will be a good one for the crew and the boat. Hope to be back in Maine on Nov. 1 but storm related flight cancellations may keep me here for a few extra days.
May I ask were the davits custom made?
Who did them for you?
How do they handle the Walker Bay in rough weather?
Frank D